AGM – Sunday 8th JUNE



9th  Annual General Meeting of Irish Squash Federation Ltd

This year’s AGM will commence at 2.00pm on Sunday, 8th June 2014

in Irish Sport HQ, National Sports Campus, Blanchardstown Dublin 15.




  1. Notice of Meeting
  2. Attendance and Apologies
  3. Minutes of 8th Annual General Meeting of Irish Squash Federation Ltd.
  4. Matters arising from Minutes
  5. To consider for adoption the Report of the Board for 2013/2014
  6. To consider for adoption the Audited Accounts for year ended 31st December 2013
  7. To elect officers to the Board:




Hon Secretary

Hon Treasurer

Coaching Secretary

Junior Administrator

Masters’ Secretary

Refereeing Secretary

Senior Convenor

National Children’s Officer


  1. To record the names of the one representatives on the Board designated by each Provincial Association.
  2. To appoint a registered Auditor
  3. To receive reports from the Provincial Associations
  4. To transact any other business of which 21 days notice has been given to the Secretary.
  5. Short statement by newly elected President


As is customary, it is intended that there will be a meeting of the new Board shortly after the AGM.


N.B. The Nominations of Club Representative and Alternative Representative; the Nomination of Representatives designated by a Provincial Association and the Nomination for Election to Position on the Board of Irish Squash should be submitted to the Irish Squash Office not later than 5.00pm on Friday 30th May 2014.