On June 7th, solo training will be permitted on squash courts and 2 household members may train together. Coaching on a one-to-one basis may also restart with social distancing observed and mask to be worn by the coach. Players should arrive at the club in their gear as changing rooms will remain closed.

All standard Covid restrictions must continue to be observed whilst off court.

Please note that we have specifically engaged with Sport Ireland regarding Covid vaccination status and access to play:  there is currently NO variation in the guidelines for individuals who are fully vaccinated.

We await further clarification about the timeframe beyond June 7th for the resumption of ‘pod training’ and we are in the process of developing our plans to restart competitions as soon as public health restrictions allow.

Derek Ryan’s online training sessions for Irish Squash are extremely popular and will prepare many of us for returning to the court. For those who haven’t been able to train, check out Sport Ireland’s website for advice on returning to play after a prolonged absence from sport – the last thing anyone needs is an injury just as we can get back on court!

Please check our website regularly for further news updates and contact us on with any queries.


Rosie Barry

President Irish Squash