
About Us


Irish Squash is the National Governing Body (NGB) for the sport of squash in Ireland and is officially recognized as such by Sport Ireland. It is made up of a voluntary board elected each year at an AGM.

Our Governance Documentation includes:


Irish Squash Insurance Q&A and Documentation

Is there a summary of cover available?

Public Liability summary document can be found here – Public Liability Insurance Summery – Irish Squash


A venue our club uses to train has asked for a letter of indemnity on our public liability policy, is this ok?

Yes, this is very standard, most venues will ask for this, this indemnity is a note from your insurers to the owners of the venue saying that any claims brought due to the negligence of the association/club/members while using the venues lands and/or facilities, and the venue is drawn into the claim, your insurers will act on their behalf. To obtain a letter of indemnity please fill out the indemnity form which can be found here – Irish Squash request for indemnity and send to


Are clubs covered for fundraising activities?

Yes, but activities such as fun days including Bouncy castles or any high – risk activities may be excluded. Please refer any activities to


Am I covered to coach under this policy?

If you are coaching on behalf of a member club or Irish Squash then you are covered, but if you are coaching as your own commercial business, you will need your own insurance. All instructors and leaders must hold the correct National Governing Bodies (NGB) qualification or have had an appropriately NGB-qualified technical advisor assess them. Where there is no relevant NGB qualification all instructors and leaders have received appropriate training and assessment for or are appropriately experienced to undertake instruction in the activities concerned.


When should I notify the Association and Arachas of an incident?

All incidents should be notified to Irish Squash and Arachas insurance as soon as possible, do not wait for a solicitors letter or notice of intention to take action. The quicker we can get information to insurers, the better prepared they can be.


How do I notify of an incident?

Incident report forms can be found here – Irish Squash Incident Report Form, please fill out a report form and send to  who will verify the membership and forward to Arachas Insurance. Arachas have a dedicated claims handler for Irish Squash and will be in touch to advise next steps.


What does personal accident cover me for?

If an Accident occurs during the Period of Insurance and Effective Time that causes Bodily Injury to an Insured Person which results in:

  1. Death
  2. Permanent Total Disablement & Permanent Disabling Injuries
  3. Accident Medical Expenses

Personal accident summary document can be found here – Personal Accident Insurance Summery – Irish Squash


  • The individual must be a member of Irish Squash.
  • All Insured Persons must be Permanently Resident in Ireland or Northern Ireland.
  • All Injuries to be diagnosed and certified by Medical Doctor
  • Confirmation of membership will be obtained by Irish Squash.
  • Registration data must include a valid personal email.
  • Please note that a generic/club email will not be accepted.


Am I covered when I am training?

Yes you are covered to and from training whether on your own or with a group.


Do I need a referral from a Doctor to claim for Physio?

Yes, you can use whatever Physiotherapist you like but you must be advised to get Physio by a medical doctor.


Does the policy provide overseas coverage?

Yes, sanctioned events only but it is strongly advised you take out travel insurance if travelling abroad.


Is this coverage 24/7?

No, the policy is intended for sporting purposes and related activities. For example, you would not be covered going to the shop on your bike.


I have a muscle injury that has been getting progressively worse over the past few months and I have to get a scan and physio treatment, am I covered?

No, the policy is for a sudden and unforeseen, identifiable accident that causes bodily injury. Repetitive strain injury is not covered.


I have Private Health Insurance, do I have to use this first before I can claim on this policy?

Yes, any cover provided by PHI must be used first and this policy will pick up the portion that is not covered


My medical costs were covered via NHS or another organisation, but i still suffered bodily injury, can I make a claim?

You cannot claim for medical expenses if you did not incur an expense, however if you have suffered permanent total or partial disablement you may be able to claim a capital benefit towards the loss.


How do I make a claim?

Please fill out the incident report form – Irish Squash Incident Report Form and send to Irish Squash Irish Squash will then verify your membership is valid and forward to Arachas Arachas have a dedicated claims handler for Irish Squash who will let you know the next steps


Insurance Documentation


Governance Code

We confirm that our organisation complies with the Governance Code for Sport.

Sport Ireland Register of Organisations complying with the Governance Code

The Irish Squash Federation is an All Ireland Body encompassing the 32 counties with the four Regional Provinces being responsible for organizing Leagues and Competitions.

As a National Governing Body we proactively develop and promote squash. We offer a comprehensive range of support and services at national, regional and local levels including:

  • Events and competitions for all ages and abilities
  • Coach Education Programmes
  • Advice on Technical and Maintenance services
  • Structured Development Programmes
  • Raise awareness of the sport


If you have a general complaint please use this document and send to 

Board Report 2024

Audited Accounts to 31st December 2022

Audited Accounts to 31st December 2023

Irish Squash is a member of the World Federation of Squash (WSF) and the European Federation of Squash (ESF). Irish Squash is an organisation funded from the following sectors:

  • Public Sector Funding (Sport Ireland)
  • Membership / Affiliation Fees
  • Private Sector Sponsorship

Squash has been voted “the world’s healthiest sport” by Forbes magazine in a technical survey that included measure of cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and calories burnt. Squash is a game for life and can be played from ages 5 – 80 yrs approx. In a recent ESRI study (Sporting Lives: An Analysis of a Lifetime of Irish Sport) it was noted that team sports are played at a younger age with a transition to more individual sports in adulthood. This trend should place squash in a strong position in terms of building a life-long sport model. We also aware that the proportion of the population that is overweight is increasing. To combat this trend, sport and physical activity have a key role to play. Squash is ideal for those with a busy lifestyle as one can play a good game, have a fun workout, shower and change inside one hour. You only have to find one opponent and because it is indoors, it never gets rained off!


Irish Squash

Irish Sport HQ
Sport Ireland Campus
Dublin 15


+353 1 6251145