Guidelines for parents



Parents/Guardian Guidelines for their children travelling representing the National Team

Parents, guardians and supporters are always welcome to travel and support the Irish teams. Irish squash recognises the valuable input of parents/guardians and accepts their natural authority with regard to the safety and welfare of their children.

Notwithstanding this, the authority of the team manager and coach must also be recognised. Parents and guardians shall hand responsibility for a player to the team manager or coach at the start of an international event at the arranged meeting point and this responsibility shall cease when the player is returned to the parent at the end of event.
A full itinerary will be circulated to Parents/Guardians prior to travel.


The Safeguarding of children policy will be adhered to while the child is part of the travelling team.
In order to enhance the experience for all our young players, promote a sense of excellence and foster and develop a positive team spirit, Irish Squash respectfully requests that:-

Parents limit contact with team during tournaments, to avoid distraction to players.

Where possible and practicable a group event or meal will be arranged for an evening/evenings during the event where, parents, teams and coaches can get together for a social evening.


A Code of Conduct will be circulated prior to travel for the following:-


  • Players
  • Team manager/Coach/Volunteers


This will ensure all parties are clear regarding roles/responsibilities